The Conjure Journal – BrujoBros

The Conjure Journal

The ancient world was filled with temples, wayside shrines, and altars almost everywhere you went. They could be as ornate as large buildings with marble halls, or as simple as a tree or pile of stacked stones. In our modern world, for many of us, that is a crucial part of our religion and spirituality […]

In the spiritual world omens are everywhere and there are no such things as coincidences. You can use signs around you to guide your life and your workings if you only know how to interpret them. 7 day candles have long been used by rootworkers to read a specific working and determine its effectiveness, or […]

Begin the ritual by bathing and preparing the altar. Regardless of where the shrine is an altar should be set up low to the ground and a bowl or exposed earth should be present. Light the lamps on the altar as well as an incense of benzoin styrax, frankincense, and myrrh. The lamp represents the […]

Witch bottles are a fascinating and powerful part of witchcraft tradition. While they can be constructed multiple ways, here is one way that is simple, traditional, and effective. What you will need is an empty bottle, and will do, one bottle of War Water, one bottle of 4 Thieves Vinegar, 9 pins and or needles, […]

On July 29th, Catholics celebrate the feast day of St. Martha, who dominates the demons of Hell and unruly men. We are not concerned with the patron saint of cooks, but the old world witch goddess hidden in the image of a saint. For centuries witches in Spain and Italy have called upon St. Martha […]

Traditional oil lamps have been used all over the world, throughout time and for many purposes, such as devotional lighting as well as powerful and effective magic. Magical lamps run hotter than candles and by adding specially prepared herbs, oils and other ingredients to petition a specific spirit, you can speed up those magical workings […]

Many workers consider the coming Fall the Season of the Witch. A great way to start the season of is by constructing a “Witch’s Cross’. This powerful ward protects the home from enemies as well as dark entities, and it adds a unique and powerful symbol to your home or working space. What you need […]

You can never take too much care over the choice of your sunglasses and jewlery.